sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

Park at Pearl Ridge

Crater Lake, 2011, self portraitSome back story if you're interested:http://intelligenttravel.nationalgeographic.com/?s=ben+canales

CUBA January 2013

Arizona Sunset

Arizona Sunset

Arizona Sunset

Arizona Sunset

Arizona Sunset

Arizona Sunset

Arizona Sunset


Sunset from the dorm

Sunset from the dorm

sexta-feira, 5 de abril de 2013

Prince of Darkness II - A second self portrait of sorts...Grim or dreary weather seems to have hung around my head for months, but with a slight improvement and some sun in the skies, there may even be a few colour images sneaking back into my workflow and stream in future weeks!Let spring commence!

CUBA January 2013

CUBA January 2013

Kali's Birthday and Sunset

Beautiful Sunset

Children at the Shore :: La Perouse :: Sydney :: AustraliaDance there upon the shore;What need have you to careFor wind or water’s roar? ~ W.B. YeatsTo a child dancing in the wind


